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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  March 28, 2024 1:00am-2:01am PDT

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now to help rush one survival food box to a holocaust survivor who is suffering and in desperate need. >> this is what god wants from just feed the hungry. just feed the hungry. if you hea i'm asking you to act now. do it when it's on your heart. pray that they'll know in final months that they're not alone. time for one thought from you, mackey hey, everybody. you can catch me at beverly, massachusetts. at off. cut, cap the comedy club. our more dates at joe mckee .com thanks great. you a >>re you're quite welcome, joe. all right. thank you, child. report," fair, balance and unafraid. here's laura. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> laura: good evening, everyone. i'm >> laura: good evening, everyone, i am laura ingraham
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and this isvere "the ingraham angle." thank you for joining us tonight. the bodies of two clement recovered by divers underneath the francis scott key bridge pier they were found inside of l red pickup truck about 25 feet underwater and also the cargos b ships black box and that may contain key details about the cargo ship crashed into the bridge yesterday morning. we are expecting a news conference by and tsp but firs, conformity calls, that is the focus of tonight's "angle." now, liberals claim to cherish diversity with a pretend to hold it sacrosanct. they worship at its older. >> newsroom diversity is soks important. >> are leaders in the way they lead, reporting diversity.icta >> laura: so predictable, racial ethnic gender diversityse is what they are talking about
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but that is a lie as well. what they are really protecting is groupthink because let's face it, if you are black and conservative likjue justice thos or someone like ben carson, thea they don't think you count. you are a trader, in fact, of your race and ditto with his panic and support from. but what about ideological diversity? doesn't help g a sharp around thinking? isn't debate good? the almost a decade ago, a moment joe hosts all the dangers of an immediate cocoon forming. n >> we talk about diversity, i think that is important withity. news but also culture and ideological diversity. finding people who disagree with overwhelming majority of opinions and newsrooms. r >> laura: of course, he is right, but they would toss willie on his ear if you repeated those lines now. now, a lot has changed in almost a decade.v ca the network where i actually
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started my tv career wouldn't ever hire anyone like me now.u you have or support trump? you support him now question or forget about it! somehow ronna mcdaniel slipped througnah at mbc until the inmas took over r the asylum. in>> i thinkg are possible owne apology fo lr putting him in the situation. and in dangercy because of people like ronna mcdaniel have pushed on the country. >> i find the decision to put her on the payroll inexplicable, and i hope they will reverse that situation. >> laura: the pink cox and the suit did just that, they can't make daniel, the shortest tenur in tv history, i think. but why? e dibecause she supportson donald trump, period! and she didn't announce him after the election or afterthey january 6th. will leave no other explanation they provide about why they got rid ofis i her. she is not a random pundit.e
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this is a former chairwoman of the rnc. now, believe i thit or not, this great news, not for rana come of course but certainly for the election. the truth is some of these people have so little faith in biden's record or the power of their own ideas, that t there oy responses to silence and defame. they certainly can't risk anyone watching nbc and being persuade by ronna or anyone like her. w forget that half of the voting public and potential viewers as will agree with her. now, this isn't the news business. this is simply an extension of th>>e dnc. >> i felt. strongly about it. i think you felt strongly about it.a i think everyone for clocke toy nicole felt strongly on our respective shows yesterday. >> none of these people cares th about true diversity. what they really celebrate is conformity across the board.
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there is no room for dissent, period! >> to see essentially unanimousi feeling among all of the journalist and thid als buildin, senior staffou, alt l the produs and everybody in the building about this was one thing. but to see the executives and the leadership here that,rs respond to it and being willing to change course based on it, based on their respect for us and whate we argued, i have dep respect for that. c >> laura: are they riding their own obituary for what they claim to be? again, a news organization. who knows, but why any would ane outside of the far left democrat bubble ever watch that network? why would you want anyone on that network to moderate a debate? e near therump anywher nomination. and cnn empathized with nbcan execs and issued a warning.for >> in bc hoping to sweep this under the rug and move on.
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the problem is they are facing a fresh crisis where they are being criticized by the right. so you saw donald trump come out and basically characterize them as intolerant but woke lefamont. you were seeing that among the fox news crowd. so now nbc news is going to have to deal with it attacks from the right as it tries to emerge froc this crisis. >> laura: i like him and black, that suits him short of course, trump is correct you're the only republicans these folks will associate themselves with our former republicans, trump haters,n people like nicole wallace, michael steele or little-knownwt figures hired by the trump white house thentr transform themselves into never trump now, these people aren't conservatives. they are simply opportunities, the whole genius. speak with a problem withsh ronna mcdaniel, her career was built around supporting trump ad
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as antidemocratic and anti-american behavior and nown they don't know who she is beholden to. >> laura: did she ever come t bo don't know, read that book? i guess you got that from never trump for dummies? look, democrats and the corporate media have gottenre i themselves into a huge messthey year. they are in their bunkers, refusing to change their minds on issuens or even they don't want to be in the same room wit. someone with whom they have disagreements. now, what is funny about this is they accused trump this very thing. it is the usual projection they engage in. they say he demanded complete loyalty. talk about calling the kettle black! the ugly truth is, the price one has to pay to be in their club, the media or national politics on the left is total and completeinst loyalty. instead of treating rfk jr. with respect, maybe try to understand
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his following and why he has some popularity. they set up a special war room k let the freak out begin. k speak with third parties, they are like cockroaches in the kitchen. it is not what they carry but what they fall into. kennedy can fall in there for at swing state in follow-up for b joe >> this is one of the biggest threats to joe biden being reelected. >> i do worry bobby just taking some percentage of votes from the 18 could shift the election> and lead to trump's election. >> laura: democrats have givens up on trying to persuade voters through debate and policy success. that wasnow, old way of politic. now, c it is just a constant campaign of control, propaganda, and suppression.ust biden's is not leading a political movement, no way. it is just a colt of conformity.
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and that is "the angle." joining me now is floridate congressman byron donalds,e. member of the house oversight committee. o congressman, you've done a lot. of interviews on other networkse but this really did take the cake, and for i covered it. i waited for a few days to cover this, because i think it does connect with what they are doing with rfk jr. they are both evidence of this bunker men mentality on the left. it doesn't really scream confidence, does it?>> >> no, it doesn't. and i will tell you haven't on some of those shows on some of the other networks, have to comd in with your heart had to be ready to battle with these guysn g because the second you say sog that they don't like,mb they tried tleo cut you off, dissemble and try to change theu topic or they keep asking the same questiogin overve and over until you givee lo them the rese that they are looking for. mon by the way, i hopene
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ronna mcdaniel got her money because contractsus will decide. new york. but contracts are supposed to be fully executed. if they cut her off, she got money. but with thag t being said, they demand conformity fourfold.ot if you have a difference of opinion, they don't want to hea it most of the time anond they don' laut want you on. most of the time. >> laura: it used tot? be hopewl and change. the democrats had for a well quite a hopeful message and you might not agree and i certainly did not agree with their policy ideas, but it was all about making the country better. now, it is not hope and change, it is rage and control. they are so angry, they claim conservatives are angry? they are that increase people out there and they been in power three and a half years, and they are still angry. >> listen my like talking toe go conservative voters. we get mad about politics sometimes, but we go back to life and move on. for people who have basically cut off family members, cut all
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friends because of politics, they are from the left. they are people so into steeped into the ideology, and frankly, that rage like you said, they can't even hang out with somebody whoserv has a moderate of politics or conservative view on politics.ou as far as they are concerned, if you don't see it their way, you might asme well never talk to me again. if youco don't leave me, talk to people this country who have lost family members over a politics. rated does not conservatives who say i can't spend time with you, have a drink with you or go tooo the game, it is an.i me >> laura: but what do youes think this is all about rather than playing these biden sound bites which will turn the audience off. it is very curious, because when i started my radio show right before 9/11, may be months irstbefore 9/11 i think my first test was gavin newsom. i had john kerry on regularly. i had all sorts of liberals on that i note jo e lieberman just o passed away. he was a o semi regular on the w show but i have lots of liberals
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on the show. it was a good conversation. what has happened? >> i think their entire agenda is fatalistic notion that if they don't get their way, everything is coming to an end to make.way, look at climate change. if they don't get their way, the planet is going to die and we will all die with it. look at economics.y ev if they don't get their way, everybody will be poor and destitute except a couple of rich fat cats.r when you look atpo the reality f their policies, take their economic policies, whose making the money market elitists on thy coast. who are suffering? americans all through the fre country. they have a fatalistic view of america and free markets and oft conservatism. if they don't ge'st their way,at everything comes to an end. that his wife the anger, the rage and why they can't tolerate any opposition. >> laura: i've never seen anything like it. the blood vessels on the four heads of some of the people ofo the cable networks.m
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i want to call them medics evere to my start to see them explodes i'm actually concerned aboutse their health. wonderful to see you,ft congressman. thank you very much.erth t set to hold a news conference t after recovering the black boxba from the cargo ship that took down the bridge in baltimore plus a furious karine jean-pierre.terv what did she do when radio interview got a little tough? we will tell you.ow w the radio host's ear exclusively to let us know what happened next. ♪ ♪
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♪ >> laura: remember when they promised us transparency ovee ws the white house and accessibility, that was a big one? things wer e going to go back to normal. the press would be treated with respect and legitimate questions answered here at the public has a right to know, hou after all,o otherwise it would be dismissed. when appeared on a radio show to sell the president's deeply unpopular agenda, she must havek expected aet standing ovation, flowers, a fruit basket, but when thing adas got a little tu, she forgot the the old adage whn you can't win the game if you walk off of the field. >> told a number of people that i was talking to today, would
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you please just ask her, does the president have dementia?stio >> mark, can even believe you are as committed as question.nt it is incredibly insulting, and so we can move onto the next question. >> gas prices in grocery prices' then, how does mr. biden win votes when people don't have as much disposable income?la >> look, the president understands.rant he grew up in a working-class family in scranton, pennsylvania. he gets it. both of us have gone to himo because of what this president has been able to do. with that, thank you so much, mark here to have an amazing, and amazing day. >> laura: i remember some of those come i remember some of those days on the radio. joining me exclusively as men you just, mark harrison host of wv tv news in north carolina. okay, mark, what happened here? you have the nerve to ask the question that millions and millions of americans woul od le
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answered forthrightly. >> well, yeah, she had reached out to us and asked us if we would do an interview because the 18 was coming to north carolina and so we said, "sure." i know as you know doing interview through the years, you will get a lot of talking points. so i thought if i could ask a. couple of questions, maybe we would make a little news or get a sound bite.ere so i asked her here inare north carolina even 45% of democrats are concerned about biden's mental state so i t thought okay come i brought thaa up to her. h she somewhat dismissed that meant that i just said, okay,d does he have dementia? and i was surprised that she was so offended. >> laura: well, why didn't she just answer the question? d presumably, they have the bestem doctor. tha does he have dementia?th
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i don't get why that is our question? >> that is why every part that contacted me said why didn't she say yes, no work i went to, defense of her boss and mental faculties. buaurat in fact what she did isa us down a bumpy dirt road because she said every year, the white house physician examinespt the president and puts out a detailed report. well, i went back and looked at all the detailed reports. it talks about his heartburn, it talks about is lymph, heart,othi stomach, but there is nothing ie those reports about his mental acuity.e >> laura: mentalwh acuity. markham of the white househe released a statement at thewi press secretary talked about multiple back-to-back interferes with radio stations offered 7 minutes months the time is up she called into the next one and they lets the station chose not to air the full interview butt instead artificiallyou attach aw sound effecthe that our phones o not make when the calls end.
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did you add a hangup sound effect? >> no, and to quote karine come i am offended that she would suggest that. we don't add sound effects tone news stories. when she hit the button to disconnect, we got a dial tone appeared to be did not add dramh to its appearance point did you. air the whole interview though? >> we did.did >> laura: we did. we errored the unedited video os one of the talk shows and we took some sound bites in our newscast. >> laura: so the entire interview was available. and there claims are furious because you did put the entire interview and all the content online and people could see it. >> online and on the air, that is exactly right. it was very clear when she hung up she was not happy. >> laura: i just love, "have
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an amazing day." the sacrament, sweetness, butay. mark my remember these days. i miss these days but those were really fun moments, actually, and mark, i might say, you have a wonderful voice for radio. f i have such respect for radio m uchosts across the country. you do a fantastic job. and thank you so much for joining us here at coming up, we are awaiting a news conferencesb from the ntsb and we will get the latest on, of course,ddle that horrific bridge collapse after being at by a barge in the middle of the nighant last nigh. and u.s. business men are running visit communist china, another story we are going to hit, but whyin this time? i am going to explain it next. ♪ ♪e [both] because i said cologuard®! -hey there! -where did he come from? -yup, with me you can screen at home. just talk to your provider. [both] we'll screen with cologuard
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♪ >> laura: big time american ceos from companies bik
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>> laura: big time american ceos like fedex, call macomb by the u.s. chamber of commerce went to beijing to kiss the ring today.? wait, whose ring? their presidents ring, joining me now, gordon chang sr. author of china's going to wear and to prepare secretary of defense under trump. all this is all happening as the doj is accusing chinese state linkep hackers of waging a cyber espionage attack against u.s. officials and businesses.e but i guess, what is a little hacking among friends? >> wright, laura, great to be with you. the striking thing about all of this can actually beijing and xi jinping are not changing anything they are doing but continuing espionage and extraordinary military buildup antiald just a mock-up of taiwas presidential palace that came ue on twitter.
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they are -- filipinos on the pipe town south china sea. the message from china is businesses can come back but on china's terms and they are shifting more to what they call the loop america approach. so you have tim cook of appleng saying everything is fine and dandy but the chinese are not given the impression. >> laura: well, gordon, theyadin are not the only ones heading overseas. janet yellen machine is ramping up for a trip to what is almost seems like the biden o administration second home. watch. >> the desire is not to shift economic relations with china. many american firms operate in china and gain from the ability to sell toto chinese large mark. we want to stabilize thatt relationship. not sure that -- >> laura: all right, gordon gordon, your reaction to that tonight your good what is
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janetjanet yellen going to say w that she didn't say three or four months ago when she went to beijing? i think the problem here is we want to manage the relationship as the biden administration says, but the chinese don't wan to be managed.stra as a matter of fact, they take the biden administration's efforts as sort of the sense that we feel inferior to thesend chinese so we have to send to the grand chinese capital. that is exactly what the chinese men and by the way come all men when they went to see xi jinping they were participatincommg in chinese communist spec adult that was sort of reminiscent with the dash where they did kiss the ring, bow, show their loyalty to the chinese this is a hideous spectacle. t he>> laura: there is a piece or two in "the wall street journal" how hong kong is getting crusheg by china. and remember a short time ago, we were seeing all these hopeful
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pieces that hong kong couldre. exist, not quite as it was before, but it wouldn't be kindn of a heavy repression at the hands of the ccp. that is out the window.on >> absolutely. i spent some time in hong kongdl when i was younger and it was ae city of incredible vibrancy and there was hope to but i think the experiment has been wrong, one country, to country systems that the city has pledged and the people taiwagonen are lookie and the life out of hong kong. if you talk to the people they are, t certainly left and it's t the same place my independent c place and it is sad. and i think, look, we can talkre about communism and xi jinping but if you are living in china and somewhat independent businessman who want to havee, their own life, that has really been suffocated local hong kong is a. tragic object lesson and t appears to be getting worse, actually. >> laura: i hope all of the ceos had fun over there because that is all that matterj is money and enjoying their time in beijing.t
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hathank you. it turns out illegals are not happy how texas is leasing their border. how dare texas! dan patrick is here to respond to all of their concerns. icy hot. ice works fast. ♪
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pe>> laura: all right, we knew it would happen, the same mediap that condemned anyone within 10n january 6 is now finding reasons to empathize with phony asylum-seekers.. fortified border areas. recall that last week, scores of migrants rush the border, injured national guardsmen and even trampling one of them cured razor wire was cut by some ofhe them and others shouted they were demands to be led through the barrier. so, forget the americans injured, the "los angeles times" focused on the poor illegals, describing the border area as a militarizerid zone fortified by soldiers, a fleet of humvees and a forest of razor" the times interviewed the illegals trying to bust in and a they sailld all we want is to gh ourselves up, but the army won't let us. it looks like a prison, said tho
1:39 am one woman was shirt was torn,r that happens when you tried toer get through razor wire, she complained, "i never imagined that this place would be soible horrible." joining me now is texas governor, dan patrick. dan, these phony asylum-seekers are now grousing about the conditions that you and your state are forcing upon them. your response tonight. >> well, wlye don't really givea fiddlers about it, but we will protect citizens and we will and protect the border, and we will protect the lives of men andey women in the state and people from fentanyl. s i don't care what they think. they think it is horrible, and t this is the united states of america the greatest plan in the we'lcountry and texas is the gr state in the l we will be darn if we let them e come in here and tell us what they wer e going to
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i got over that area and it is filled up here there were a lotn of things we don't want, laura.i we don't want biden's open borders or terrorists crossinge the border or criminals crossint the border, the drugs, ed's fory every texan and high inflation and high prices, is culture andh th we great movie hell or high water scene with the waitress't where she says what don't your o want? america doesn't want joe biden. and neither doesicie texas. we don't care what people think. >> laura: the "l.a. times" isca just disgraceful.per you can't really call it ine ed newspaper any longer. it is teetering on the edge always of going out of business. but, it it turns out that the biden administrationcour is busy not of course helping you,an o they hate what you are doing inw texas and they want an open border r. but they were going to guatemala to reassure the government there that to fortify the border, they are going to work to defeat. it
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watch. >> strongly held view as a matter of law that sb4 proposeda by the state of texas, that law ispe unconstitutional. and it is our hope and the confidence that the courts will strike it down with finality. >> laura: so dan, we have the department of homeland security secretary in a foreign country, basically trashing one of our finest states in thestat united states. how much oble f the economy is d responsible for. i don't know what they would do for their numbers if it was not for texas economy. that itacks why old, attackingsh america onf foreign land. >> that was the department of hopeless security coming outis homeland security. look, laura, as i said before,
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this bill sb4, we believe we ar being invaded appeared and we believe we get back to the supreme court and they b voted 3 tuesday. let it become law, we believe it is unconstitutional because we are being invaded.rm just because they don't have an army or caring if light doesn't mean they are not an invasionhe force.cart that is exactly what theser ch people are pure of the generals, the cartels are sending them here, china with these other countries, and we are just not taking it anymore, laura. we don't care what biden thinksd what did the mexican president say, give us $20 billion and we will stop coming? this is what president trump did. he put a tariff on all theirden goods on that stop them herewill that is what biden should be doing and what president trumpd will do when he becomesgr president. i promise you, joe biden,bo donald trump, myself, the texas legislature, we will close that border on day one.eass we've had it. >> laura: shut it down.
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instead of reassuring the american people come our president is reassuring foreign governments against the american people. lieutenant governor, thank you. when illegals do get into theug country and fly into our t interior, they go through a vetting process as secure as the screen door on a submarine. malcolm according to the lette r tsa from the house homeland securitu committee, tsa is reportedly allowing aliens without verifying identity documents to cast through airport security checkpoints relying unverifiedrh biographical information gathered by the border patrol through one border patrol application. g me now chris bedford, contributor at "the federalist," john duffy and fox news fbcontributor cohost of fb and bottom line. chris, i took a plane today as usual and you have to go through the process and you might have tsa clear or something but most people still have to take their shoes off..d., you have to show your i.d., lonp
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lines. they should shower a piece of paper, i don't know who they are. without this was happening, but. now we have verification. >> if you arcan'e an american citizen who can't find your identification you have to pull every trick in theo book to get through an airport, showing every form of you have to get permission aty r the end of the day, usually froa d.c. and only a few times. this is the policy with papers lined up to provt.e it. and it is intentional policy and some known to democrats in washington, d.c. adn the senate last weekrced republicans try to add an amendment to force tsa to stop letting and stop the federald government from flying illegal aliens around the country and all these secret flights. democrats voted 100% against it and shut it down.s >> laura: total fanatics. mosean, tsa database a statement saying in part, "noncitizens,g meaning illegals, released after unger going security with
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immigration proceedings must present anm acceptable form of o fighting to enter secure areas in an airport. if one does not have an acceptable form of i.d., they must accept screening and facial recognition to identify using dhs records. but a letter from the house committee said that the tsa oaccepts administrative warrans for arrest or removal as anuddi acceptable identity document." sean, little buddies of mine ine the tsa have told me, it is a wi piece of paper and it has sort of an official looking writingvt on it, but come on! >> they are relighting on the betting system of the border system which is garbage, murderers, drug dealers, drug traffickers come into the country here of those are the same people that fly on the l plains with all of us. o we are notur just concerned,re c laura, doris flying off of the airplane but the guy sitting next to us.e
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chris ray was talking about thea open borders national security, national threat to theabou country. w is concerned about terrorist attacks but the fact we haveink these people on planes without i think the american people are sick of being treated second-class citizens, third class citizens. joe biden cares more aboutty letting people i an the country event the safety and security o the people that live here that voted for him and pay taxes to run our government. so, i think this is a huge issue for the americanr. voter. >> laura: and chris, i want toth get up and applaud both of you, but this is what last week a venezuelan illegal went viral for his tiktok videosbord encouraging other illegals to squat in homes once they crosso the border. he even gives tips how to rip us," but now according to the u.s. post, he's on the run. i we are learning from the post tualthat he is actually trying o flee from authorities after crossing illegally april he enrolled in theog alternativs
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to detention programt .na that must be nice.d no but actually didn't bowl the rules and listed as arnold skaaland or from a theg program. he put out a video basically crying, "my life is turned upside down." if it wasn't our country, chriss this would be funny.s but the jokein is on us, unfortunately as long as fentanyl to mike biden is in the white house. >> is the perfect character for exposing that the joke is on us and he sees to draw attention to immigrant influencer and releasing video showing people how he can take advantagrente oe different cities and very dumb o squatting laws which allows people don't own your house tod move into your house when you are not ther.e and take it over the people cannot be evicted. wo it has run and people's lives and i know people in d.c. who r have had to sell their house because of squatters. and he was not telling the american people an illegal alien all these different laws. >> laura: ali's upset.he
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>> to take advantage of americans. and now he's upset and the feds. >> laura: this is like theh people at the border, sean, complaining they are not beinge lit through. they are giving interviews, giving interviews to theey t "los angeles times" the conditions at the borders are a nightmare not what they felt they were going to be.e bi again -- >> you can't mak guye the step . n> laura: this is the bide administration.meri our country is so strong becaus of guys like this. it is a joke for the american people and by the way posting these videos for months. to chris's point that if you take someone else's home as a squatter? how do you get the american s an immigrant and don't want to work? he should have been deported along time ago but thank god we have joe biden trying to get thugs like this out of the country. >> laura: chris and trunk my fantastic, fantastic segment, thank you. next, one of the weirdest places we have ever seen, plus my total
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plan on gasoline cars. and if biden is in the white house next term, you bet, it is coming. co the details next. musica with a morning jolt of instant cooling sensation. it's comeback season. fox news is proud to bring you this she■s a hero moment. i knew i was interested in working with students who were easily excluded. part of my journey is responding to looks. we have to look out for each other. we have to take care of each other. dance is my safe space. i am autistic and i am a performer. and i'm really good at it. once we're in our own space and we get to create that space, it's really fun. i am here because i have seen women do it. if you can see her, you can be her.
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>> laura: okay, i think we may have just found the most bizarre police chase have her appear at fox international's kevin corke, i'm not with him sadly but they are with the crazy video, kevin. >> laura, just when you think you've seen everything something pops on your newsfeed makes you shake your head. check this out, you will not believe it, the 30-year-old eddie sanchez arrested and charged with trespassing and reckless driving among other charges after cop said he stole... wait for it, front and back loader from his employer. >> stop! hey, stop! he is not stopping for me.
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i have no way of stopping this vehicle. >> no way! and if you think that is crazy, weight, there was more. >> grab your machine, how fast is it! >> it can get up to probably about 30. >> wait! >> now, we are cooking. so finally on with the right tool at the right time. >> flip it, flip it, if you can flip it, flip it! >> god bless georgia appear there you have it, eddie sanchez, 38, apparently with the temperament of an 8-year-old arrested but don't take my word for it, this is what the folks f gwinnett said, "while investigating the incident the reporting officer said sanchez was terminated from the business in 2023, september, by the way.
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he visited the business several days prior and did something similar but never left the property during this entire incident. no motorists were injured, no vehicles or patrol cars damaged." sanchez was charged with theft by taking, fleeing or attempting to elude, reckless driving, damage to property, a partridge in a perjury and i daresay, deserved all of it, laura. >> laura: okay, wait a second, kevin, can you see the scene where a police officer is like on the side doing his normal rounds. he is there on the highway and he walks up, pulls him over and straight face license and registration. this is insane. now, i know, kevin, you never get those automatic tickets either, i know that. you have never got anyone's. >> sorry. [laughs] >> laura: speaking of
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unconstitutional, those are unconstitutional. >> don't do it, laura. >> laura: yes, don't go there, i agree, things kevin. >> three years ago i set an ambitious target that half of all new cars and trucks sold in 2030 would be zero emission. today, we are setting emission standards for cars and trucks to lead the world making clean cars and trucks. each made in america, you have my word. >> laura: you have his word that means a lot. no one wants his word here they want gas-powered cars. if biden has his way, they will become a thing of the past. there will be a lot of old cars in the '60s parked in his garage. the epa announced plans last week to start phasing guest powered cars out by 2022 but eight states and d.c. have already beaten them to it banning the sale of gas-powered
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cars as of 2035. now two additional states colorado and delaware .82% of car sales by the year 2032 to be electric. this is infuriating and joining me now, clay travis founder of out kick and owner of a big gas guzzling power vehicle, clay, this is trump's. the border in your car, okay? and groceries and you win the election. >> look, people can do whatever they want. if you want to buy an ev, more power to you, you should have that right. but if you have read some of the horror stories how difficult it is to drive any sort of substantial distance at all on an ev pier at "the wall street journal" had a great story. i believe the reporter tried to drive from new orleans to chicago if i'm not mistaken and basically couldn't manage to do it right had to wait hours at a charging. a lot of them didn't work. i'm never going to do this. for the rest of my life, maybe one day we will have an ev.
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but the rest of my life any trip any kind of significance at all -- >> laura: no, thank you -- i will be comfortable about going into a gas station. >> laura: no, no, never ever ever ever mi buying an electric vehicle. if i have to stop i will gas-powered cars. here is an eloquent description of vehicles from kamala harris last week. speak with the work we are doing on electric vehicles, school buses, trucks i visited the manufacturing plants and showing one that we have the expertise o understand how it can work, meaning the thing actually moves. and it can transport people. >> laura: clay, it can move. >> i'm glad that it moves. we want these people are in charge of mandating electric vehicles and killing our automobile industry. >> i think the bloodbath, got all the attention of the usage
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but what trump was kneeling is they will start making cars in mexico. and avoid the tariff on chinese vehicles here they will not allow our cars to compete there. but again, we have all of these mandates that are starting to come in and they can't sell the evs that they have now cured for everybody in union and workg plant, the best way to guarantee that you are going to get fired other than the $20 minimum wage that will get people fired in fast food restaurants in california is producing products people don't want to buy. let the market dictate what the purchases are going to be. this is crazy. >> laura: clay, the market is speaking. they can't get rid of these things. thank you we are awaiting the news conference from the nt sp from the >> todd: a fox news alert, you are looking live at the collapsed francis scott key


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